Mail Ballots
 Secure End-to-End Vote-By-Mail Solutions

Prepare mail ballots with confidence!

Vote-by-mail and absentee balloting are on the rise as municipalities nationwide look to ensure the integrity of elections, reduce costs related to running manual polling stations, and meet election regulations and timelines. Relia-Vote® from BlueCrest is the only integrated, secure, end-to-end vote-by-mail solution for processing both outbound and inbound mail ballots. It’s an ideal solution for large to medium counties or municipalities who need to cost-effectively and securely automate the processing of election ballots while staying compliant with state voting regulations and USPS® postal regulations.

flying mail ballot west

The most complete inbound and outbound mail ballot solution.

Relia-Vote uniquely enables high integrity, tracking, monitoring, inbound signature validation, sorting, and reporting in an automated, secure solution. Relia-Vote incorporates leading BlueCrest solutions for flexible print management software, inkjet printers, inserters with inline envelope printing, content verification, and sortation.

I voted by mail sticker

 Relia-Vote incorporates leading BlueCrest solutions for flexible print management software, inkjet printers, inserters with inline envelope printing, content verification, and sortation. It uniquely enables high integrity, tracking, monitoring, inbound signature validation, sorting, and reporting in an automated, secure solution.

Videos, Case Studies, & Additional Resources


Vote-By-Mail best practices and secure mail tracking webinar


Discover best practices for processing mail-in ballots efficiently and securely-including tracking them throughout the USPS. Plus you will see a live demonstration of BlueCrest Relia-Vote Ballot Manager software.

BlueCrest Webinars
Your Vote-By-Mail Experts


Greater efficiency and lower cost production.

Orange County requested "Amazon-like" outbound and inbound processing and tracking of mail ballots. BlueCrest delivered with ReliaVote.

Orange County, CA
Video Case Study
Kane County IL mailbox with delivered ballot

Kane County Makes Sure Every Vote Counts with Relia-Vote

The BlueCrest Relia-Vote solutions were essential to helping Kane County achieve its goals for processing the higher volumes of Vote-by-Mail.

Vote-By-Mail Case Study


Vote-by-mail success story: Hear from Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections Office

Vote by mail continues to be a very popular option for US voters on Election Day. Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections Office in Florida is on the cutting edge of modern elections.

Hillsborough County, FL
Video Case Study


Relia-Vote Brochure