Relia-Vote® 360
Enhanced Mail Ballot Sorting Software

Automate mail ballot packet processing with speed and accuracy.

Manage the growing mail-in ballot and dropbox volumes.

Election Officials face the critical challenge of delivering results within increasingly constrained time frames. The continued increase in the volume of mail-in ballots, greater use of drop boxes, and less availability of labor, further compound the challenge. This makes the shift towards greater automation, streamlined operation, and enhanced speed and accuracy, a necessity.

Relia-Vote mail-in ballot and mailbox

Timely and secure processing of mail-in and dropbox ballots.



Enable compliance with tightening security and tracking requirements.



Simple to use and highly configurable to meet changing return ballot processing needs.



Greater automation and streamlined workflow means less labor, faster return ballot processing, and more timely election results.

Enhance the processing capabilities of your Vantage Sorter with the power of Relia-Vote 360.

Process Return Ballots Faster

Relia-Vote 360 software adapts to evolving security requirements for processing mail-in ballots, ensuring secure and efficient sorting and scanning with speed and accuracy.

  • Front and back image capture supports a comprehensive and efficient audit
  • Detects for absence of witness, date, or other data that is statutorily required to accept return envelopes
  • Ballot envelope style page supports running comingled unique envelope styles

Advanced Signature Verification Processing

Leverage Relia-Vote 360's advanced signature verification tools for quick and accurate processing of inbound mail ballots, ensuring Automated Signature Verification (ASV) matches on the first pass.

Relia-Vote 360 signature verification

  • Manual Signature Verification supports multiple reference signature images
  • Meet ASV Single Piece Audit requirements
  • Standalone tool for testing ASV to align with election legal requirements

Optimize Operations and Streamline Workflow

Relia-Vote 360 workflow

Relia-Vote 360 streamlines training, and enhances efficiency with user-friendly views and status monitoring. Minimize errors by reducing manual steps, process ballot materials based on the latest data, and improve system readiness for optimal uptime during peak processing periods.

  • Auto-import of signature verification files
  • Auto-import of challenge codes from the VR System
  • Automated voter status updates

Improve Return Source and UAA Mail Tracking

Ote-by-mail tracking automation using secure Relia-Vote 360 software

Optimize return tracking by location and voter, reduce labor and time for non-USPS mail preparation, and enhance system productivity during peak non-USPS processing periods.

  • Automated envelope-facing feature
  • Return source printing on envelope
  • OCR read of NIXIE label for an undeliverable reason

Proven Relia-Vote Ballot Packet Sorting Platforms

Relia-Vote 360 can help you reduce manual processing, increase accuracy, and boost return processing speed . 

  • Available Sortation Platforms

  • Relia-Vote 360 Options


Resources & Additional Information

BlueCrest Relia-Vote Solution Overview

Relia-Vote from BlueCrest is the only secure, end-to-end automated vote-by-mail solution for processing both outbound and inbound mail ballots. It's an ideal solution to cost-effectively and securely automate the processing of election ballots while staying compliant with state voting regulations and USPS® postal regulations.

BlueCrest Videos

Automated mail-in ballot sorting on the BlueCrest Vantage mail sorter


7 Considerations for Automated Mail-in Ballot Sorting

Important considerations regarding automated mail-in ballot sorting used in vote-by-mail processes.


Justin O'Donnell
Communications Manager, BlueCrest