(Danbury, CT) – BlueCrest, an industry-leading global technology provider and supplier of a comprehensive line of enterprise software, printers, inserters, sorters, and parcel solutions, is excited to announce its new integrated, high-speed card-attaching system. This new capability from BlueCrest enables mailers to attach cards to carriers at speeds up to 24k cycles per hour, as well as add variable print, verification, insertion, and seal, all in the same process, by the same manufacturer. This solution is a revolutionary change for transactional and direct mailers, as the number of cards being sent through the mail is growing.
BlueCrest Card Attaching supports a wide variety of card applications, including gift cards, loyalty cards, healthcare cards, credit and debit cards, unemployment benefit cards, driver’s licenses, and more. The Card Attaching module is available in either an input-based inline solution or chassis-based configuration where cards are fed through feeders and attached to a pre-folded carrier.
The BlueCrest card attaching module is available in three different configurations which offer mailers the flexibility to meet their unique needs based on their workflows. Depending on the configuration you choose, you will be able to attach anywhere from 1-5 cards to a variety of placements on the card carrier.
“Our clients are always seeking new growth opportunities and ways to adapt and enhance their service offering. Right now, that vision is needed more than ever,” said Eddy Edel, Vice President, Product Management. “The pandemic has quickly reshaped operational strategies, placing increasing importance on the ability to flex to new markets. One such opportunity is card attaching.”
Until recently, mailers interested in adding card attaching to their service offering faced a dilemma: it was a niche service, one that required a dedicated kit, as well as a specialized, isolated work cell. This process was often slow, and error prone and required more headcount to manage each of the stand-alone work-cells.
This workflow integration and automation is key. More work can now be taken into the established mailing work cell rather than requiring a separate team — and standalone technology — to handle the attachment element of the process. Additionally, it allows mailers to leverage existing skill sets of operators already familiar with BlueCrest technology.
As a single equipment and solution provider, partnering with BlueCrest allows mailers to leverage existing assets by easily retrofitting the card-attaching module with an existing inserter. The card-attaching module is compatible with the Epic, Evolution, Flowmaster & MSD inserter platforms. The flexibility of the system eliminates the need for a fully dedicated asset, and can quickly convert and run non-card applications.

We are seeing major interest in our card-attaching solution from some of the globe’s biggest mailers,” said Mr. Edel. “But we’re also seeing excitement among smaller operations who want to expand into new market opportunities.
Read more and see a video of the BlueCrest Card Attaching system for automated mail inserters.
About BlueCrest
BlueCrest is a global, innovative leader in enterprise print, mail, and customer communications. With a comprehensive line of printers, inserters, sorters, and parcel solutions — and a renewed commitment to providing innovative software — BlueCrest serves clients around the world.