How Are Mail-In Ballots Processed?

Written at Mar 19, 2025 9:43:58 AM by Justin O'Donnell

Mail-in voting, also known as absentee voting, has been an integral part of the U.S. electoral system for over a century, evolving to accommodate voters unable to vote in person. Its origins trace back to the Civil War era, when soldiers were granted the ability to vote from the battlefield. By the late 1800s, certain states extended absentee voting rights to civilians under specific conditions. A significant milestone occurred in 2000 when Oregon became the first state to adopt an all-mail voting system, conducting elections entirely by mail.

A Step-by-Step Look at U.S. Vote-by-Mail

As of 2022, eight states—California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, and Washington—conduct all elections by mail. Additionally, 33 states and the District of Columbia offer no-excuse absentee voting. This allows anyone eligible to vote the right to request a mail-in ballot without providing a reason. []

The volume of mail-in ballots has seen a substantial increase in recent years. Absentee and early voting often rely heavily on mail-in ballots. However,  the overall demand for mail ballots is on the rise nationwide. During the 2020 presidential election, approximately 46% of voters cast their ballots by mail, a significant rise attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic and efforts to minimize in-person voting. This surge underscored the necessity for efficient and secure mail ballot processing systems. []mail ballots are increasing year-over-year

Processing of Mail Ballots

The journey of a mail-in ballot from the voter to the final count involves several critical steps to ensure accuracy and integrity:

  1. mail ballot

    Ballot Request and Distribution: Registered voters request a mail-in ballot through their local election authority. Upon verification, a vote-by-mail ballot package is sent to the voter. It typically includes the ballot, a secrecy envelope, and a return ballot envelope.

  2. Completion and Submission: The voter completes the ballot, places it inside the secrecy envelope, and then into the return envelope, which often requires the voter's signature on the exterior. The ballot can be returned via postal mail, in designated ballot drop boxes, or in person at election offices.

  3. an ink signature on a mail ballot checked for verificationReceipt and Verification: Upon arrival at the election office, the return envelope is scanned, and the voter's signature is verified against registration records. This step ensures the authenticity of the ballot.

  4. Ballot Extraction: After verification, the outer envelope is opened, and the secrecy envelope containing the ballot is extracted. This maintains voter anonymity.

  5. Ballot Counting: The ballot is removed from the secrecy envelope and scanned into the tallying system, where votes are recorded and counted.[]

BlueCrest's Role in Mail Ballot Automation

At BlueCrest, we recognize the challenges election officials face with increasing volumes of mail-in ballots. Our Relia-Vote solution offers a comprehensive, end-to-end mail ballot automation system. The platform is designed to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and security throughout the voting-by-mail process. [][]

  • Ballot Preparation and Printing: Relia-Vote integrates seamlessly with voter registration systems. It prepares and prints ballots on demand, ensuring each ballot is tailored to the voter's specific precinct and election.election ballots prepared for mail

  • Outbound Ballot Assembly and Mailing: Our system automates the assembly of ballot packets, including insertion into envelopes and addressing, reducing manual labor and the potential for errors.

  • Mail Ballot Tracking: Utilizing Intelligent Mail barcodes, Relia-Vote provides real-time tracking of ballots through the postal system, offering transparency to both election officials and voters.

  • Return Ballot Verification and Processing: Upon return, ballots are swiftly verified using automated signature recognition technology. Our advanced sorting machines, such as the Elevate and Vantage, process ballot packets at speeds up to 18,000 pieces per hour, expediting the counting process. []

By implementing BlueCrest's automation solutions, election authorities can process higher volumes of mail-in ballots with greater speed and accuracy, ensuring timely and trustworthy election results.


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Justin O'Donnell


Justin is Marketing Communications Manager for BlueCrest.


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